is organized for charitable, social, cultural, and educational purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under the laws of the State of Connecticut section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. It will also work towards strengthening unity among Ethiopians in this area and elsewhere to help and contribute to the process of building national unity. ECAC will collaboratively work with various similar organizations both locally and globally in an attempt to address the needs of its community and beyond. 


 ECAC is to support and provide quality and reliable community services to Ethiopians, Ethiopian-Americans, and friends of the Ethiopian community residing in Connecticut regardless of religious, ethnic, political, and any other ideological background. The association aims to create social support systems for members,

  • Organize different activities that promote social, educational, and cultural heritage,
  • Provide support to new Ethiopian immigrants to enable them to easily integrate into the United States system,
  • Establish and manage a multi-use community center accessible to all members.
  • Coordinate gathering of willing members for funeral service, a celebration of life, or memorial service during the death of a member or member’s family in CT.
  • Promote the interests of the members through cooperation with public, private, and non-profit agencies,


 is to see Ethiopians, Ethiopian-Americans of Connecticut, and its surroundings be fully integrated, united, equally addressed, and benefited from the socio-economic and educational opportunities available in the country while advancing their culture, history, and heritage.